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January 11, 2011

Better Photos Part One

I frequently receive emails from people who are interested in taking better pictures of their children and families. I've decided to start a new series dedicated to taking better photos.  This isn't about running out and getting a $2500 camera and $2500 lens, it's about working with what you have, be it a DSLR or a point and shoot, to get better results than you are currently achieving.  Part One will focus on creating a relaxed environment for your subject in order to capture realism.  

Taking pictures is such an amazing way to capture human emotion.  A good picture not only records a moment in time, it reflects feelings!  I took this picture of my youngest daughter Maddie a few months ago.  I love it because it's taken at a unique angle (I turned the picture upside down but I was actually standing behind her head) and because she is so relaxed and peaceful just hanging out on the landing to our stairs.  

What I want you to do for your first exercise is try to capture this authentic human emotion.  Let's say for example your subject is your child.  Let's try to think about what he likes to do best.  Does he enjoy being in a certain room or outside?  Put him there.  Does he enjoy a specific activity or toy?  Let him have it.  And then here's what you do... just relax.  Let him play, let him have fun!  If he enjoys running around with his superman cape on then you'll never get a more true smile.  If it's his trucks or trains, it's OK!  When your child is in his or her element they are truly soaking up life and giving you all of the "real stuff".  You will be amazed at what you get, I promise you.  You don't need to make them look at the camera and smile all the time, that's not what it's all about.  You want to capture them being just "them" with nothing more.  And take lots of pictures!  This digital age gives us such flexibility!  Like my husband said once, "We don't like 'em?  We throw 'em away!"  Please try and remember that your camera is not a machine gun, but in the same breath don't be afraid to keep snapping a good thing.  Here is a photo I took of my daughter that I particularly enjoy because it really captured her personality.  A plastic smile just wouldn't produce the same feeling... 

Lastly I chose to share a photo SOOC (Straight Out Of the Camera - or unedited) that I took of my girls this past summer in the back yard.  I purposely gave them these little homemade popsicles because I knew they would sit still for a minute to eat them, then sat them on a little IKEA table (again to help keep them together in one spot).  I took a few pictures, nothing special, but my patience was rewarded when Maddie suddenly rested her head on Brianna's shoulder.  I really wanted to capture my kids enjoying each other's company, so for me this was a great shot!  My point is that your photos don't have to look professional to be great, and that everyday moments can be beautiful too.

I'd love to see the results you come up with!  Please post a link in the comments section or email me your photo!  If you have any specific questions or would like me to address a certain topic let me know!

January 7, 2011

Hello, Gorgeous! {Phoenix Family Photographer}

Welcome back from the holidays and Happy New Year!  I'll get to explaining my title in a second but first I'd like to let you know that I am working on the very important New Years Resolution of excellent posture this year, so if any of you see me slouching please yank back my shoulders for me and give me a good little thwack on the back!  I know it's small and silly, but I am slowly turning into one of those dear little old ladies you see at the grocery store who's head juts out like a little turtle.  I'm not sure what my animal counterpart is but I am sure that it is not a turtle.

So, on to more embarrassing things.  I shot this family session before the holidays (yes, yes, just now posting).  This family actually happens to be good friends with my family.  In fact, they were kind enough to invite us to celebrate Christmas Eve with them since we were orphaned out in Arizona this year for the holidays.  It didn't feel like Arizona though, it was unseasonably and bitterly cold.  

Molly is an amazing cook, and she has taken on her mother's tradition of preparing several gourmet soups in addition to a table full of amazing appetizers and desserts on Christmas Eve.  As the children sat nicely at the kitchen table (read: they were laughing, running, and screaming all over the house) we sat down with Molly's mother, father, sister, and mutual good friends to enjoy our food.  I happened to be seated next to Molly's husband, Tim.  During dinner I noticed that Tim was wearing a very nice argyle sweater vest.  I saw the vest and thought of my husband - what a great addition a vest like that would be to his wardrobe.  He's always looking for business casual attire since he wears a suit and tie to work, and the rest of his closet is filled with jeans and t-shirts.  Should a red flag have gone off in my head at this moment?  Who knows, but no flags waved what-so-ever and I said,  "Hey Matt, you should get yourself a sweater vest like this."  I pointed to Tim.  "Doesn't it look good?"

Matt smiled the smile that a tennis or volleyball player does before they spike the ball down hard on your side of the court.  "Oh, you like that do ya?  Is that workin' for you, Anne?"  Now if you know my husband you know he just loves to catch me in a moment like this.  Let the embarrassment and comments from around the table begin!  All I can say is that I'm glad I could provide a good laugh for our friends and their family on a cold holiday night.  And you know what, embarrassment really warms you up!

Now on to the pictures from their family session.  Here are Molly and Tim with their two sons, Logan and Blake...

Just the boys...

Blake and his baby blues...

And a shot of all of the cousins from their extended family shoot...

Thanks again Molly and Tim, it was a pleasure to take your pictures!

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